After our first appearance on a current affairs show on Vive, we were asked back to speak as part of a discussion group on the program ‘Y eso con que se come?’. Recorded just two days after Chavez said “61% of people didn’t vote for me, they voted for socialism” in his victory re-election speech, the show was on the subject of the economy – but not just the general economy – the socialist economy. The host asked Espe Espigares about what she thought about all of the social changes taking place in Venezuela and who she thought was benefiting. She responded by saying how important the misiones are, but that she thought a lot more still needed to be done. She pointed out that Chavez has now clearly called for socialism of the 21st Century but that socialism is not about handing out a few crumbs to the people. Its about taking over the commanding heights of the economy. She quoted Chavez who had just two nights before said, “There is nothing to fear about socialism.” to a sea of thousands of cheering Bolivarian all dressed in red.
Our message of solidarity and support of the Bolivarian Revolution aired on radio as well with long interviews on National Radio and community stations like Radio Negro Primero. We were even stopped on the streets several times by well-wishers and people who had recognized us from the television. Two different people also said that Chavez said in a press conference that he had heard that there was a Hands Off Venezuela delegation here and would like to meet us.
So, our message was put out there loud and clear - we want Venezuelans who are making progressive change in their society to know that there is world-wide interest in events happening here and that there is an international will to guard and to learn from the process taking place in Venezuela and to take it back to Europe and North America!
I congratulate Venezuela on it's path to social justice. Latin America has a history of being too long in control of foreign-sponsored fascist dictators who should have been imprisoned or disposed off a long time ago.
For once I have seen a Latin American government (Venezuela) that is concern for it's people and the future of it's people. To share it's energy resources with it's population instead of handing them over to the corrupted wealthy rich with ties to other foreign lands seeking to disrupt the economy and it's social justice, is a remarkable achievement on behalf of Hugo Chavez and the people of Venezuela.
But make no mistake about it. The struggle will continue and only the Venezuelans who cherish a social
justice will be able to make it work. The controlled right wing news media in the USA is determine to undermine everything Hugo Chavez and the Venezuelan people have thus far achieved. As outside extreme right wing foreign intervention continue to support the abundance of fascists in Venezuela, the people must be educated as to who and where it is coming from.
Again, congratulations to Venezuela and it's people.
Thanks great poost
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